While on assignment, the best travel companies pay 100% for a completely furnished, quality, private, apartment, condominium, or hotel. If you provide or wish to find your own accommodations, many travel companies will provide you with a generous stipend that can be used towards your housing costs. Virtually all the travel companies take care of or reimburse you for the expenses occurred commuting to and from an assignment. If you are traveling locally, some companies also provide you with daily mileage reimbursement.
Typically, full medical, dental, and basic life insurance are offered by the travel company at minimal or no cost to you. The type of coverage and more specific details can be obtained from each particular company.
Benefits of traveling is the free, fully arranged, private housing offered. While on assignment, the travel company pays 100% for a completely furnished, quality apartment, condominium, or hotel. Am i responsible for the utilities if i take advantage of the company arranged housing?. Generally, all basic utilities are set up and fully covered by the travel company. Depending on the travel company, cable and internet service may be the traveler's responsibility. What if i choose to find my own living arrangements while on assignment?. If you provide or wish to find your own accommodations, many travel companies will supply you with a generous stipend that can be used towards your housing costs.
Benefits of traveling is that it gives us time to reflect on what we really want out of life. Don't assume that because you left a job in teaching, you have to work in that same industry after your time away. Or unlocked a passion you always had but never gave time to breathe. Or maybe those new skills you learned can be applied to a new career you'll enjoy more than your last one. Keep an open mind, and you might find yourself returning from your break with a new career dream. It requires deviating from society's expectations, and maybe dropping out of the rat race, at least temporarily. To make your dream trip happen, you'll have to save money, probably by giving up something that everyone else considers necessary, like cable or an expensive condo or eating out three times a week. You may also have to give up things that make our lives feel stable and comfortable, like a job or apartment. Finding an awesome job after your career break works the same way.
Benefits of traveling is the ability to see new things and one of the best kept secrets are the themed suite rooms at the wild-wood inn. I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at some of the rooms this morning and here is the tree-house suite.
Benefits of traveling is that it teaches you to see things through new eyes. While this can be refreshing, it also means that you have to learn all your life habits in a new context. If you don't adapt well to this sort of thing, you stay in a fancy hotel where people take care of your needs, you pay a lot of money to live a lifestyle as close to that you were used to at home, and you avoid culture shock. Otherwise, you get really stressed out trying to make your life back home fit into your new country. To believe that you still know what you're doing is to actually be ignorant. If, on the other hand, you remain flexible, you can do pretty well.
Benefits of traveling is meeting with colleagues like kai zhang of the us fda, who just recently gave an excellent talk at the. , protocols for the collection of an electro-spray ionization mass spectral library - development, intra- and inter-laboratory validation and identification of unknowns in food and environmental samples. We were fortunate enough to have kai write an editorial for us recently on . Matrix effects in multi-residue pesticide analysis when using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. kai says that matrix effects present one of today's most challenging analytical issues and goes on to outline interference and signal alteration (. But rather than continue this blog, i know some of my colleagues out there are wondering what a guy knows about matrix effects, read what an expert has to say about it in.
I was teaching in anchorage last week and was able to take one day and drive to the matanuska glacier. This is one of the few glaciers that is easily accessible from a major highway. I do wish i had more appropriate shoes so i could have walked closer to the main glacier.
Benefits of traveling is discovering what different regions consider "their food. " food is part of culture and speaks to some of what makes life there what it is. I was beyond excited when i found out we were in Asia when the mangoes were ripe. When we arrived at the home of our hosts, i could barely stop myself from eating the entire plate of fresh mango that one of the boys brought in for us. The kids climbed a tree and picked them to slice and serve for our arrival. Another part of our journey took us to a border crossing and lunch at a riverside restaurant.
we study the desert in third grade, so I've been collecting information from all of the deserts we visited on this trip. walking through the Mojave and the canyon lands gave me a whole new perspective that just can't be captured in photographs (but I've done my best). we also drove through the canyon lands on a 4×4 tour which was exhilarating. looking over the cliffs and imagining what it must have been like 200 years ago when these harsh lands were being explored (and even before that when native Americans roamed the land) was mind boggling. I've gathered soil samples (to look at under the microscopes), bought books (or course), and taken lots of video and photographs to share with my students when we return to school.
As a 22 year old, 5'3'' female i can honestly say i have never once been worried about my safety in a hotel bar or anywhere else in the hotel. And on planes? really?? someones going to assault you while the flight attendant is off getting the drink cart? and the ridiculous assumption that every man out there will try to rape you if you're not careful is incredibly insulting to men in general and outrageously paternalistic. This article was written by a man who apparently thinks that women would really be better off accompanied by chaperones or traveling in groups; and he cited a woman who seems to fear the entire opposite sex.
Benefits of traveling is that I've gotten to go to a lot of baseball stadiums. They release the unsold players' seats, and I'm sitting eight rows behind home plate. But some of Mr Ziff's tips for "making business travel easy and fun" don't require a love for the great American pastime. Like Gulliver, Mr Ziff prefers to catch a late-night flight the evening before his meeting instead of trying to arrive early in the morning. Mr Zff recommends that sport fans fly jetblue because it has television. He also offers up classic advice like making your bag recognisable (he uses yellow tape). Perhaps the best advice of all is to use small regional airports and avoid the horrors of places like jfk, laguardia, and o'hare.
From time to time, i find myself going back to the same areas or places. I become familiar with the local restaurants and coffee shops, even to the point of recognizing faces. ) there was this particular local restaurant that i really enjoyed visiting because of the the atmosphere and food. It wasn't anything particularly special, but i enjoyed the times i ate there. I had no idea until i pulled in the parking lot which was completely empty. When i walked up to the door, it had a make-shift note that said they had closed and would not be re-opening. If one Sunday you decided to close, who would even know and who would be really bothered by it? it's a tough question because it's a personal one. The “question behind the question” is that have we so entrenched ourselves into the lives of people that they would feel a void if we suddenly weren't there?.
Benefits of traveling is the opportunity to meet some amazing people. I love working with people & learning of their experiences just keeps me motivated to excel in everything i do. When you next require the services of a photographer, get in touch with me. I will be more than happy to work with you to create the right images for your project.
Benefits of traveling is getting to see so many beautiful places. Our teams have occasionally visited places such as the grand canyon, niagara falls, and gettysburg. This beautiful lakefront property is located about 25 minutes north of the university of notre dame in south bend, in. During the summit, girls can wear dress pants and skirts, and jeans on specially appointed days. We desire to"maintain a high standard of purity, so clothing should always be modest and feminine. Guys can wear casual and dress pants and collared shirts, and jeans on specially appointed days.
Benefits of traveling is that you get to see so many beautiful places in this country. In the past our teams have visited places such as the grand canyon, Niagara falls, and Gettysburg. This beautiful lake-front property is located about 25 minutes north of the university of not re dame in south bend, in. During the summit girls can wear dress pants and"skirts, and jeans on specially appointed days. We desire to have a high standard of purity, so clothing should always be modest and feminine. Guys can wear jeans on specially appointed"days, casual and dress pants, and collared shirts.
Benefits of traveling is the exercise as i have no problem walking off all the good food that i eat.
Benefits of traveling is that putting yourself in a foreign place forces you to take a hard look at yourself and think about what you really need when all of the creature comforts of home are removed. In a weird way, taking a break from travel can do the same thing.
Hardly anyone reaps a benefit from spending a vacation time at home to work around the house. : authors of the articles in the "travel advices and suggestions" section are responsible for the content, quality and the security of links provided in the articles.
Benefits of traveling is the clarity that comes from stepping away from the grind of life and looking at it from the outside.
This last week, my beloved life partner and i had a chance to do just that. Spending a week in the sleepy coachella valley, with lots of supportive, loving family, was just the rest we needed in this particularly grind-y time of life. As we neared the end of the trip, kelvin exclaimed, “why can't life. I thought for a moment and decided against the obvious, cynical answer of, “we can't. Because, really, what made this trip great was not the sights, the sense of adventure, or any of the things i usually like about traveling. we didn't really do anything that can't be done in our own hometown (except wearing tank tops in march).
Hardly anyone reaps full benefit from spending a vacation time at home working around the house. Want a reason or two to take a Mexican vacation? here are twenty:.
Benefits of traveling is meeting good souls all around the globe. I lived in Baguio for one year and i have been to some places in the northern and southern part of the Philippines. But due to my frequent travels in 2010, i now officially admit that i have been bitten by the travel bug. and once the travel bug has bitten you, you'll never be the same again. At the ending of every trip, you can't help but plan and save up for your next trip.
Benefits of traveling is meeting wonderful people all around the globe.
Benefits of traveling is being exposed to new things and Vientiane was absolutely full of the unexpected – a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind.
Benefits of traveling is spending time with people you love, meeting new friends and sharing experiences. When i was thinking about traveling to china, a destination I've dreamed of for years, i chatted with some of our ever-so-smart travel folks. They suggested, "why don't you host a tour and share the experience?". I'd like to invite you to join me on this unique adventure that I'll be hosting with my daughter Sarah. For regular readers of the magazine, you've probably seen Sarah mentioned in various articles through the years. She's been my traveling companion since she was young (my hubby's work keeps him from traveling much).
Benefits of traveling is the total freedom to just pack up and get the hell out of dodge, to redefine one's experience from one moment to the next, which is exactly the thing you can't do living in the same place, sitting in the same job, being around the same people, and so on. First thing in the morning, finished off all outstanding photo editing – well, there is still more work – but there would have been a lot more had i not deleted all of the last week's photos yesterday evening. Went through most of my belongings, finding ants everywhere, shaking everything out, brushing off any ants i find, then packing – hardly meticulously – it seems every time i take off to the next place, my backpack seems even bigger – even though i have acquired nothing more – well, of any substance, anyway. The problem with the ants is that once ants decide to occupy, you can forget about getting rid of them – they'll leave when they're good and ready – or not at all. It's not as if i have any food in my belongings – excluding the pack of grape gum that has gone through a major meltdown, but the ants haven't gone near – maybe ants don't go for aspartamane …. Order breakfast in my rudimentary khmer – which results in a plate of fried chicken with rice, followed by fish broth, which is absolutely not what i wanted. I look out onto the street, thinking … nah, get out of this town … this isn't the place for you. Walking the two short blocks to the transport staging area, past the metal fabrication, auto repair, and photofinishing shops, with open fronts and broken tile paving, men immersed in cell phone calls, moto drivers and taxi drivers accost me.
Benefits of traveling is being rewarded by the firms you are loyal to. â it's a nice facility on the backside of sandy key (doesn't face the gulf) but makes up for the loss of view with a very nice pool, pool side facilities and a view of the inland waterway which has it's own activity. â also, wave runners (or jet skis) are right next to the pool and the outside lounge. â this was a plus for us on the last day as we went out for an hour and saw a number of dolphins. â thanks to carole (the concierge) and all the staff for their hospitality. â carole set us up with a fishing excursion (great time) and a group tennis lesson nearby.
Benefits of traveling is that you sometimes get to eat in amazing restaurants that have food you'd never encounter otherwise. Here at the arcotel in vienna, i ordered a soup for dinner the other night, called eœessence of tomato soup, that was said to have clear tomato noodles. I was encouraged that this would be a good experience because i had ordered the pumpkin soup on a prior night at this restaurant and was delighted at the experience. As for the name of the soup and its ingredients, i assumed this was another case of imperfect translation from one language to another, or as has happened so many times, my simple misunderstanding. And when i started to sip it, i thought that it was just a broth. Ok, when was the last time you were so struck by your tomato soup that you asked if you could take its picture? you can see the noodles propped up by the spoon.
When you apply for credit cards online you will find comfort and ease.
Benefits of traveling is seeing how most of the people in the world are more similar to you than different.
Benefits of traveling is the chance to discover new radio stations. During a recent trip some friends and i picked up a mostly-English-language India-interest fm signal on the rental car receiver. The broadcasts we heard while driving around included some great bollywood show-tune music, off-the-wall commercial advertisements, and funny listener call-ins. At one point a little girl phoned to pose a riddle, one which works best when pronounced with a Hindi-background accent:.
Benefits of traveling is learning about the place and its surroundings in particular. This led me to dig more information of the obelisks and the result was enlightening. Although the term obelisk is of Greek, the object itself is Egyptian in nature. It symbolizes the sun god ra and the pointed top is shaped like a pyramid believed to appear like a “petrified ray of the sun disk”. There are several ancient Egyptian and modern obelisks in different locations. It is said that the objects were built in pairs at the entrance of a temple but now we can see a single obelisk standing elsewhere. It's astonishing to learn that some of them were shipped from theirâ place of origin.
Whether it's the food or the furnishings, you're bound to find something different than what you have at home.
Forget the movies, the magazines, and the refreshment cart; forget i pods and i phones and apps.
Why should you rent town houses instead of staying in a hotel room?. So you decided on Orlando Florida for your family vacation this year. What kind of traveler are you? do you want everything handled for you so all you have to do is arrive at the airport on time and everything else is already arranged? or do you like to be a hands-on manager of your vacation planning? do you want to arrive at your luxury hotel with your time scheduled out in advance ? massage at 3, dinner at 6, dancing at 8 ? or do you prefer to arrive at your efficiency suite, grab the local yellow pages and let the adventure begin? whatever it is you want, however you like to travel, as long as you enjoy beautiful island paradises, great food, a choice of adventures to experience and friendly people, you'll find it on Cozumel. Cozumel is such a well-traveled area that many vacation packages, from the simple to the lush, from the relaxed to the vigorous, are readily available through companies that specialize in arranging them.
That is what adventures in learning at Colby-sawyer is all about, too. Our time with the students in Florence was all about learning, even if the learners might have been at different chronological points in their lives. It quickly became apparent that from an educational perspective one of the highlights of studying in Florence is the ability to walk outside the classroom on a five-minute field trip and see where history was made. The art history professor can pause the lecture and say, "let's go look at that. More on art tomorrow, which will find us in sienna and the hilltop town of San gimignano. Your intrepid correspondent and president out linking to the world,.
Benefits of traveling is that i can experience different things and see the world–including different corners of my own country–through different eyes. In that vein, part of understanding the local culture includes learning it through its food. Over time, I've developed what i call my travel rules for eating. Though they are often the subject of friendly teasing, i think they are quite reasonable. Whether i'm on the road for business or pleasure, i try to follow these rules:. When deciding what to order, give preference to what is indigenous to the area.
When you go to fen way park or Wrigley field, you're going back in history. And with the fans in Chicago and Boston, it's just a very festive atmosphere. I like to pack the day i'm going because otherwise it makes me feel like I'm traveling two days.
Sometimes the reflection of ourselves that we see isn't pretty. And like any reflection, there are things we like and don't like. What i like about this post is that you speak about those things in the reflection that we can't change. I try to hide stuff when i am bothered or frustrated but i don't do it very well. Like you, i really need to learn to deal with things rather than pretend everything is ok. On the humorous side, i have learned that i am horrible with directions. Don't ever tell me to go east or north because i have no clue what direction that is – at any time or any place. Whether it's phobias or the way we relate to others, it makes us who we are.
Benefits of traveling is the interesting and generous people you get to meet along the way, who offer to put you up for a few nights if you swing by their hometown. " we met marci in india earlier this year, and she invited us to stay at her huge funky warehouse conversion that she lives in with two other flatmates and the house pet otis, a greyhound/alsatian cross. " the warehouse is uber hip, very spacious with a large open plan living/kitchen area and in a great location. " marci showed us around town and we got to experience what it's really like to live in downtown san fran as we were introduced to her neighbours and given a tour of the personalised conversions and the creative spaces that they live and work in. On our second day we went for a browse around the shops and then caught the train to the golden gate park where we hired bikes and cycled through the park and all the way to lands end to see the sutro baths ruins, the site of the worlds largest swimming baths which overlooks the ocean. " there are some cool caves nearby which we walked through and in high tide is filled by the sea, we got to see some great views of the ocean and seal rock from here.
Benefits of traveling is getting out of your circle which allows you to look back in with a greater degree of objectivity. Most of my photographic work occurs in Alaska, but i venture abroad occasionally. 2010 offered some very enjoyable journey's south and I've gathered a few images from these due to expressed interest. â the selection process is always difficult as there are many ways to interact even with your own photos. Sometimes it's the experience, sometimes the light, sometimes the color, sometimes the emotion. There is a motive-mix in this selection, with a few comments, quotes and excerpts taken from some writing i did about my experiences. “i spent the month of January, 2010 on an expedition to the Falkland islands, south Georgia island, and the antarctic peninsula. Reflections on such a trip are not easily summarized, and fall elusively and appropriately shallow when embodied only in small letters. Photographs help tell a story, but much of a journey's grand experience happens inside, where epic landscapes and encounters tumble around the soul leaving marks and impressions that seem to leak out only as a dim shadow of their original copy.
Benefits of traveling is that i enjoy collecting foreign currencies. I try to obtain all the small bills and coins of every country i pass through. From left to right: Malaysian ringgit, Indonesian rupiah, Vietnamese dong, Singapore dollar.
Benefits of traveling is getting to try all sorts of unusual (to us) dishes. Combing goat legs and the recipes found online may be a good way to try to recreate those dishes once you get home.
Benefits of traveling is that you are anonymous, and you can do things you would not do at home. On a visit to Berlin, we were brave and decided to head into a sex shop. We had no idea that what we experienced would be so exhilarating, so erotic. We all fantasize about engaging in these wild sexual encounters with strangers.
Benefits of traveling is not only the new things you see while you're away, but also learning to appreciate the things you like (and maybe don't like) about being home. I bet at some point in the not too distant future, they're going to be at home talking about what they miss about being in cr.
A few nights ago we invited our new friends, roman and Mercedes, and their son Louis, all from the vessel s/v Sarah, to come to dinner. (they sailed from Hon Kong several years ago and spent much time in Indonesia. ) we really, really enjoyed the fish cakes -- they had such a fresh, spicy (but not hot) flavor, so i just had to get the recipe. Fish, fresh or canned (i wouldn't use canned tuna, but in a pinch you probably could -- especially if you went with canned white albacore tuna). Salt (or a splash of fish sauce -- find this in your oriental section of the grocery).
Benefits of traveling is being exposed to artists you don't hear about in the press, even the underground press. Who are some of the people you've met in your recent travels who are doing work of exceptional nature, which by your view, those whose work is “something beyond an expression of personality?”. This is a trick question because for me to say that anyone artist is working “beyond an expression of personality” is, in fact, an expression of my personality in judgment, so i would refuse to say who i might think might be doing that and rarely would i even analyze other people with this criteria. It is not me (or anyone else) to judge — it is a personal process that each one would be struggling with (or not) in their own way. On the other hand, there are certainly folks i have been meeting that are “exceptional” in various ways. Limiting that observation to the realm of sound or improvisation there is a long list to make, perhaps, limited to the previous couple years i could name a few. That strikingly reminded me of (but not comparable to) the energy behind the works of.
Benefits of traveling is the chance to spend more quality time with my mp3 player. Things like waiting for public transportation are transformed from being a drudgery to being productive, even edifying, times. While in prague i decided to focus my listening on Jan Hus and the reformation. If i had been gone longer, i would have kept up with the preaching at my church via.
One of the benefits of that benefit is that you can meet up with these people further on in your travels and have a friend in a strange city or have a place to stay and be lazy when you don't know what else to do. Way back in laos, adam and i met a couple of German travelers on our way to Savannah from the. It was lalita's birthday and she was celebrating by spending a day in steaming buses and vans on Lao roads, and occasionally puking. We found a cheap hotel in town, and spent the next few days together, fruitlessly waiting for Thai visas, exploring a river and cave that lalita fortunately convinced us to go to, and moving onward to vientiane and beyond, meeting up again in. Thanks to the beauty and horror of face-book, i met up with lalita at a show, and she offered me a place to stay in her flatmate's room while it was empty. Mom was leaving the next day, and i didn't know where to go or what to do, so it was a perfect situation.
Benefits of traveling is having the advantage of always going to new places â &â â in turn hiring a. Thats not from your own local area is actually a benefit because the photographer is used to working with new locations. It was a real pleasure having this opportunity to be able to be part of this wedding & being able to be the one that captures these moments gives me great joy.
Traveling with operation smile makes this even better because of the people who are involved with the organization. Even though they come from all parts of the world, they all share certain characteristics. They all love to travel, they are all genuinely interested in people and they are all motivated to make a difference. Whether it was sitting on the patio of a pub after a 14 hour day at the hospital or reclining on equipment crates in the or between surgeries, i had the great pleasure of listening to my new friends tell stories of previous missions and other philanthropic endeavors they were part of. Fed up with the constant stream of depressing news in the traditional media, i have decided to start writing down some of these stories so they could be shared with my family and friends. I met some amazing people last year and here are just a few of their stories.
There are many wonderful resorts with tons of activity in the Hawaiian islands. However, have you ever considered staying in a vacation rental home or condo? you can experience much of what the resorts offer while enjoying the comforts of home in a private Kauai vacation rental. The island of kauai still has many secluded areas and beaches, and a private vacation rental can give you access to it all while also giving you an unequally level of privacy.
Lake Tahoe cabin complexes range in size from small, six-unit, luxury rentals in the woods, to larger cabins with common pools and private beaches. Three major cascades at havasu creek create a landscape that is both beautiful and entertaining. At the base of these falls, one of which is havasu falls, is a traveling pool filled with cold turquoise water. In fact, the names of the falls, the nearby lake, and even the city all come from the water's beautiful color.
Recently returned from a business trip to Texas and read the article on guns in the state house and their effect on our. Re "okay, but round up the other subjects" (monitor editorial,jan.
Benefits of traveling is the opportunities that arise to see great bands and great venues along the way. In a previous post i failed to mention the specifics of the actual blues club we visited while in Angola Indiana. His axe is more an extension of his body than it is a traditional instrument. Skip's is this great two-level auditorium, reminiscent of a roman theater with acoustic styling.
Benefits of traveling is learning about the cultures of other people.
Benefits of traveling is the opportunity to try interesting new food. One of my very favorite things to eat here in Ecuador is maracuya'. We have maracuya' juice at breakfast and maracuya' yogurt with yucca bread. Here we are in the centro historic o, downtown Quito, with a fabulous discovery...maracuya' ice cream. We also stopped on our walk up the hill to the basilica for some sweet balled-type of candy sold by a lady on the street from her basket. This was the first time for most of us to try this particular Quito delicacy & i was excited to see so many students braving a taste.
Benefits of traveling is learning about a new and different place. Traveling to a new place to live deepens and enriches the sense of newness and learning that a visitor might feel. A new place means a new, perhaps different job, and new and different friends. Learning the diverse viewpoints of a new place not only presents totally new information; it also casts a new light on old viewpoints. Often moving to a new place teaches people more about the place that they are from. Old, seemingly mundane foods, customs, and language are suddenly new again viewed in the context of a radically different environment. Through comparisons of old and new places, friends, and ideas, people become more knowledgeable about the world and about themselves. ¡¡¡¡a new place offers interesting possibilities for personal and professional development. Even though in a new place people lacks deep connections, they also lack prejudices and rivalries. Often people move to new places to escape uncomfortable situations that have hampered their personal growth. If i have a long-standing feud with my neighbor, i might eventually move to a new place to start over in peace. New places naturally have their own local politics, but learning about them and finding a way to prosper is like starting life with a clean slate. ¡¡¡¡every opportunity is available to newcomers to pursue because the local people do not have preconceived ideas is best for them if they have only lived in one place and have no basis for comparison? moving once, or even several times does not mean that a person can never settle down in one, but it does ensure that he/she truly like and understand the place that he/she does settle down in.
""often moving to a new place teaches people more about the place that they are from. " "a new place offers interesting possibilities for personal and professional development. Every opportunity is available to newcomers to pursue because the local people do not have preconceived ideas about them. " "some people would say that truly settling down in one place and making deep and lasting connections is preferable to moving every few years. I say that true friendships can be maintained over distance, and that people will be happiest when they discover a place that is truly the best for them.
Benefits of traveling is that you have the opportunity to be reunited with friends. We traveled to high point, nc in October and had the blessing of seeing James, Jeannine and Brianne woody. They also have a son, Travis, (who is adorable and is devin's age), but did not go to lunch with us and missed the picture taking. I first met James and jeannine when i became the district director of a young adult ensemble in 1980. They were fun loving, love the lord, loved music and we just fit and nitched together. When she was born, upon her homecoming, i took her to the piano, held her in my lap, played and sang to her. Being with them was like time had stood still - except the kids are all grown now. Now that we aren't so terribly far away, we hope to have some good visits together. Our families traveled together in the early 90's as a trio called "one heart".
Benefits of traveling is the “thinking” time you get. We followed the coronation path again down celetna and across the charles bridge and i was able to make my once-in-a-lifetime wish on the john of nepomuk statute. The king wanted to know the queen's secrets, but the priest said nada and was thrown from the bridge. You can imagine that my wish was sweeping: world peace in my life time. Camille – we saw an advertisement for “real Gypsy musik. I am so grateful to have traveled with gary, to have seen the sites that we will talk about forever, but am so excited to go back to those who adore me. Val's asleep now and i'm so sick i can hardly type but i gotta get this blog post done since everyone is so faithfully following it.
Travel Cambodia ? phenom penh, angkor wat, sihanoukville and roads from hell. From 1977 through 1980, the khmer rouge ruled the country, fanatics bent on genocide. Millions were killed and the period was put to film in the movie, "the killing fields. " fortunately, those days are over and the country is becoming a tourist destination. 5 tips to spend the most luxurious Caribbean vacation you ever dreamed of.
Benefits of traveling is meeting all sorts of interesting people with lots of stories. our last day here i took a water taxi to another island reputed to have a gorgeous beach with few people. I got off the boat to find myself on some sort of concrete pathway lined with shacks and no sign of a beach. I went off to the right and managed to find the trail, hiking about half hour on a very muddy trail until i stumbled onto wizard beach. It was lovely and i swam for a bit but the waves were very strong and riptides are common so i basically stayed shallow. Not to mention sharks again (a slight phobia due to too many jaws movies with my sons. Walking back through the jungle i thought œam is insane? anyone could take all my belongings or more and there would be nobody to know i hadn't told dan specifically where i was going when i left to wander into town. Well, if i was robbed of passport and belongings i could call the warden of bocas del toro, wouldn't he be surprised.